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10 website optimization tips for a faster site

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optimize WordPress

It’s never too late to declutter your website and fix the issues that effect speed and performance. A better user experience is linked to more revenues for your business so consider these 10 tips to optimize and manage your WordPress site.

Plugins and Themes

  1. Run updates for plugins and themes.
  2. Delete unused plugins, themes and widgets. Or deactivate the ones you use occasionally.
  3. Use security software/plugins to check for malware and logins.

Pages and Posts

  1. Delete drafts of pages and posts and empty the trash!
  2. Remove broken links.
  3. Delete unused tags and categories.
  4. Compress images.
  5. Remove unwanted shortcodes.


  1. Look through your site for anything to remove that doesn’t align with a certain goal.
  2. Update content with new information, long tail keywords, author bios and structure with headings.

WordPress Plugins

Here is a short list of recommended plugins to help you achieve these goals. Note: Remember to deactivate plugins that are used occasionally.

Advanced tip for administrators:

  1. Change saved revisions limits and delete stored revisions. Here’s how: Add the following line to wp-config.php: define( ‘WP_POST_REVISIONS’, 3 );
  2. Use a speed test tool to analyze your speed performance such as WebPageTest  or GTmetrix.