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Mobile app projects by Tiny Screen Labs

Whether it’s a new concept, or you are searching to improve an existing process, we’ve got you covered.   


Understand your goals and overall strategy for your business.


Define requirements including design, features, database and backend administration.


We build the screens, show content and connect the backend.


Testing includes in-the-field, usability, and functionality review.

eCommerce, Multi-vendor Marketplace

app developers Five smartphone screens display a food-themed app, showcasing various recipe categories, meal images, project ideas, a logo, video tutorials, and a menu interface. tiny screen labs

Recipe Search & Macro Calculator

Flexible Dieting Lifestyle

app developers Five smartphones display various screens of a mobile app, showcasing key projects such as the product listing, seller profile, app logo, product catalog, and checkout page. tiny screen labs

Search, Filter & Buy Leotards



app developers Image of five smartphones displaying various screens of a city guide app, showcasing features such as events, home, map, restaurant details, and dining options. Shopping and dining icons are also visible, highlighting personal projects and plans around the city.
 tiny screen labs

Visit Libertyville Guide

Mainstreet libertville

app developers Screenshot of a mobile app displaying five main features: venue details, map with markers, music events, business listings, and a form to recommend a venue. Each feature is shown on a different phone screen, making it easy to manage your projects and find the perfect spot. tiny screen labs

Local Musician Directory

Performers Almanac

app developers Image of five smartphone screens displaying an app called "Yacht Service Now," showcasing features such as a service directory, business listings, mechanic details, reviews, and a map with service locations for yacht-related projects. tiny screen labs

Services locator for yacht owners

Yacht Service Now

app developers A row of four mobile phone screens display various interfaces of a lifestyle app, including a calendar, a map, and a list of eating and drinking options, set against a background of an outdoor crowd. tiny screen labs

Hyde Park Business Guide

University of Chicago

app developers Five smartphones display various interfaces of an app, including a login screen, a list of experts, an inquiry submission form, and a menu with options to log in, register, view articles, and manage projects. tiny screen labs

Legal Experts Directory

CED Technologies Inc.

app developers Image of five smartphones displaying different screens of an app featuring location-based services, search options, user preferences, and project management tools. tiny screen labs

NYC Places & Deals

Go Rumba NY

app developers Image showing five smartphones displaying the "bburb" city exploration app. Screens reveal various functions: welcome screen, search, projects, business listing, map, and about section with city name 'Baltimore, MD'. tiny screen labs

On demand black business directory



app developers Four smartphones project various screens of a food ordering app against a purple background. The screens display menu items, a special offer, order customization options, and an order summary. tiny screen labs

Order for takeout or delivery - TOAST POS & WooCommerce Products



app developers Five smartphones displaying a firearms management app interface with various screens, including profile settings, firearm listings, components details, and new item entry against a red background. This essential tool for firearm projects ensures all important details are at your fingertips. tiny screen labs

Range session tracking & shootout game

Kickin' Brass

app developers Four smartphones displaying different screens of an app on an orange background. Screens show item catalog, my tools list, add item form, and an extendable ladder listing with rental details—perfect for managing your projects efficiently. tiny screen labs

Multivendor Marketplace Rent/Sell


app developers A series of five smartphone screens displaying a roofing and remodeling company's app interface with options for accounts, contact details, project management, and contract signing with signature input fields. tiny screen labs

Sales Mgmt & digital e-signature

Over The Top Roofing Contractors